Noelles surgery went really well. She did great and was declared the model patient of the day (she was the only one who woke up not screaming).
She was wide eyed and happy this early morning. :)

All dressed in our cute hospital gown.

I wish I looked so cute. This is after the relaxer they gave her, she was crazy loopy, it was to funny.

Post surgery she drank 16 oz of water right off and then just hugged her cup.

At home swinging and eating a snack. She has had so much water and juice its great. While she was eating oatmeal she would take a bit and cry while she swallowed so I gave her some Lortab, she is lots better now. Thank the Lord for medicine.

Thank you all my dear friends for all your prays and support.
1 comment:
My son had tubes in (2nd time) and adenoids out last feb. Tomorrow we go in for tubes again. I'm hoping since it's just tubes he won't wake up screaming this time. Sounds like she handled the anesthetic amazingly well.
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